Pontifical Society Of Missionary Childhood

Pontifical Society Of Missionary Childhood

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The Pontifical Society of Missionary Holy Childhood was started in France in 1843 by Bishop Charles de Forbin Janson

with the objective of encouraging children all over the world to pray and to be aware of the needs of their fellow children in the mission countries throughout the whole world.

The Pontifical Society of Holy Childhood aims at:

A continuous awakening of the Universal Missionary conscience and commitment in children.
Helping children to deepen and share their Faith and love with Jesus and with all the children in the World.
Helping children in poorer Churches and regions by providing Material assistance.
Promoting vocations from an early age.

This society is at the service of children, for their missionary catechesis, animation, formation, and cooperation for the universal evangelization. It seeks to develop in every Catholic child, a strong sense of commitment, to love and serve Christ, especially the one who manifests Himself in the poor and needy children. It provides assistance in situations where children are suffering from famine, sickness, misery, and lack of parental love. Children are helped to fulfill these, through prayer life, simple voluntary sacrifices and simple contributions, thus; Helping them to live by the Universal Missionary MOTTO of the Society:CHILDREN HELPING CHILDREN; and by the National slogan: “JESUS IS OUR FRIEND, LET US LOVE ONE ANOTHER”.


Saying the Missionary Childhood Prayer everyday to pray for our fellow children in the World. (“Pray all the time,” Eph: 6; 18).
Receiving well the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist (1cor: 11; 26-32.).
Knowing Jesus, listening to him and becoming his disciple. (You will be my witnesses.) Acts 1; 8.
Teaching other children the Word of God, a missionary spirit, and how to pray. (“Go; make disciples of all the Nations.” Mt: 28; 19).
Making sacrifices and share with love what we have with the needy children. (“As you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to Me.” Mt: 25; 40.).
Making other children friends of Jesus (“Let the little children come to me do not stop them. (”Mk: 10; 14.).
To prepare and participate fully in celebrating the Missionary Holy Childhood day on every second Sunday of July, every year.
Participating in economic activities and save to help the needy children

Society(Excyl.Maxima Illud No38)”. Membership is open to children of up to 14 years, or of the primary school age.
The non-Catholic children are accepted in the society as associate members, by their mutual sisterly / brotherly cooperation and by fulfilling the aims of the founder, yet on the other hand, they have to be allowed by their parents or guardians to join the Society.

Our Day:
All members of Missionary Holy Childhood in the whole world celebrate every year a special day to pray for the needy children and the missionary activities in the World, to collect money and materials for the needy children, expressing the Universal Cooperation to the Missions. The International celebration of Missionary Childhood day on the feast of Epiphany was instituted by Pope Pius XII 1950 while as in Uganda; it is celebrated on every second Sunday of July.


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